
08/25/2022 [02:12]

I've been feeling real annoyed lately, mainly because I feel out so out-of-place whenever I'm in public. I don't interact with anyone unless it's necessary because I don't really know how to act like a normal person; sad, I know. I go my whole school day without saying more than 10 words most of the time. I'm usually indifferent to it but occasionally (like now) it makes me feel terrible. What sucks is that when people try to be friendly or have a conversation I never know what to say--my mind is totally blank. But whatever, I guess.

I've began reading Hamlet recently, and it's actually really good (who would've thought). In english class we were assigned to read Act I in the format of a graphic novel. The plot was interesting, so I decided to also read the actual play. It's not as hard to understand as I thought it would be, and the language is really beautiful, especially when compared to the graphic novel's simplified version.
 I feel bad for Hamlet, but he needs to hurry up and kill his uncle already. Also, it's pretty funny for a tragedy. I think I'm going to read Macbeth after this.

I took a shower right before midnight even though I told myself I'd do it as soon I got home -_-.