
08/29/2022 [00:53]

I finally got approved for Dalle-2! I got the email on the 3rd of August but I didn't see it until earlier this morning. I wish I'd been accepted before they implemented the credits system, because the 50 generations you get when you sign up don't last very long, and after that you only get 15 free credits a month. But overall, it's a really cool tool.

I've been in school for a few weeks now, and something that kinda weirds me out is how easy it is this year. It's because I'm not taking any honors or AP classes. I don't want to sound arrogant or pretentious or whatever, but holy shit I never expected regular classes to be this simple. Like, why are we spending so much time learning about nouns??? I'm sitting in class doing worksheets getting flashbacks to first grade. But I'm not complaining, because I have so much more free time now and less stress. The day goes by quicker, too.

Had my picture taken on Friday, looked like shit but I don't care because I don't buy the yearbook anyway!